Monday, October 6, 2008

today was a good day

today i woke up thinking, "where am i?" then in my haze i remembered i was waking up in my brand new townhouse! a rush of joy swept over me and i felt so blessed. my husband had already been up, taking our two puppies outside (he does this each morning, yep, he's great) and feeding them. i rolled out of bed and took a long, hot shower in our new (huge!) shower/tub. ohhhh i love it. since we're unpacking, things are everywhere but i didn't care. i threw open the windows - it is that time of year where it's just so wonderfully FALL - and enjoyed my breakfast. as i got in my car, i noticed beautiful orange leaves had fallen on my windshield, and as i drove, they flew away in the morning light and looked SO beautiful.

i kept thinking, god is so great.

at lunch i was able to come home and play with my dogs for a few minutes - something i won't be able to do for long, since i'm starting a new job on monday. they were so happy to walk and sniff around. i had a yummy sandwich with a new condiment that i picked up at the store last night (i love condiments): champagne dill mustard. mmmmm!

after work, my husband and i went rug shopping and found two great rugs, one for the living room and one for the dining room. more on decorating our townhouse later. let's just say i have a feeling it's going to be taking up pretty much all of my time!! my brother is coming up from charleston tonight and is going to be staying with us for a few days, to help my husband with the "man projects". i'll keep you guys updated on all the house-happenings!

for now, i'm going to get a glass of red wine, relax, and catch up on the news. pure bliss!

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